A farm run by students, for students. The Farm at Southern Oregon University is a 5.8 acre farm located at 155 Walker Ave in Ashland, OR. We grow organic, nutrient dense vegetables for CSA members, Ashland School District, and the Hawk SOU’s dining facilities.
The Farm, a student-led initiative founded in 2013, has become a dynamic hub for cultivating sustainable agriculture and teaching practices rooted in ecological responsibility. Through their leadership and dedication, students continue to inspire others to collaborate on a shared vision for a resilient and sustainable food system–on campus and in our community.
If you’re interested in learning about sustainable farming, volunteering your time, or connecting with others that are passionate about local food systems, The Farm welcomes you to join us in building a healthier, more sustainable future.
Faculty and Staff
Vincent M. Smith, Ph.D.
Farm Director
Vincent M. Smith is the Dean of the School of Science and Business. He previously served as Chair of the Environmental Science & Policy Department and held a joint teaching appointment specializing in sustainable food systems, agroecology, and environmental sociology. He earned his BA in plant ecology from Truman State University, his MS in environmental science from Oregon State University, and his PhD in interdisciplinary environmental studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He additionally serves as the Director of the SOU Institute for Applied Sustainability and is the Director of The Farm at SOU. Dr. Smith also represents Southern Oregon University as a member of the Rogue Valley Food System Council, as a board member of the Rogue Basin Partnership, as a board member of Rusted Gate Farm, and serves on the environmental affairs committee of Mt. Ashland Ski Area. He lives in Ashland with his wife and three children where he enjoys exploring the beauty of Southern Oregon.
Zhu Parker
Farm Manager
Zhu Parker has a undergrad degree in Environmental Science and Policy with a Sustainability Leadership Certification from Southern Oregon University. After graduating, she worked as a Garden Educator for Elementary School kids and Managed a Native Plant Nursery.
While working in various outdoor education jobs, teaching and learning about Organic Agriculture has been her favorite. “Farming is just a microcosm of the world. The way we tend to the land and interact with other people is just a reflection of the world we want to live in”.
In her free time, Zhu enjoys learning about Native plants and ways they support pollinators, restore habitat, and its resilience to climate change
Joy McEwen
Beekeeper & Research Specialist
Joy McEwen manages Diggin’ Livin’ Farm & Apiaries, a homestead, organic farm, and commercial beekeeping operation. She holds two Bachelor of Science degrees and a Master of Science in Environmental Science from Oregon State University. In addition to her role at Diggin’ Livin’, Joy is the Apiary Manager and Researcher at Southern Oregon University.
When she isn’t tending hives or farming, Joy works as an apitherapist in Southern Oregon and produces a line of jun beverages called Honey Bee Brews. She is a committee member on the USDA Farm Service Agency board for Josephine and Jackson Counties, Oregon, and serves as a board member for the American Apitherapy Society.
Lisa Sherrill
Post Production Manager
Bio coming soon!
Student Employees
Olivia Eidlhuber
Compost Specialist
“Through my experience of the farm I have learned a lot about our food cycle and has really taught me how to grow my own food in the most sustainable ways possible. Working at the farm has helped me narrow down what I want to do in my career.”
“I really enjoy working with my coworkers and being involved with the community. I also really enjoy learning more about trying to close our food circle, reducing waste as I go. I work a lot with the compost and this has helped understand just what goes on with the discarded food we don’t use or eat. This job also makes me feel super connected to my food systems and I really enjoy knowing where my food comes from and how much work it takes to grow our food.”
Tori Gross
Farm Operations Student Lead
“Working at the farm has really helped me in my personal and professional development. I love being able to develop my skills in a supportive learning environment.”
“I love the community at the farm, we have a great team and it is really lovely to work alongside friends who also are interested in helping to improve our local food system. I’m also a big fan of the figs and strawberries at the farm, fresh fruit is always so much better than store-bought.”
Noah Hamilton
Marketing Manager & Farmer
“Working on the farm and learning from some amazing mentors have taught me a lot about sustainable farming practices and how to implement them to produce food that grows well in the Southern Oregon region. I have also gained a new appreciation for the time, effort, and resources that go into growing food.”
“I really value learning from and alongside my coworkers and friends at the farm; we have an amazing group of people and it makes working really enjoyable! I also appreciate the fresh produce– you can really taste the difference between what we grow and what you find at the store.”
Isabel Timbrook
Farm Production Student Lead
“Working at the farm has taught me a lot about the life cycles of our food, and how different practices can change the outcomes of the food we produce.”
“One of my favorite things about working at the farm is the friends and community that have come out of it!
Also being able to enjoy fresh produce, seeing our community enjoy it, and having seen its entire life cycle is super gratifying and delicious!”
Andrea Osbon
Food Forest Specialist
“Working on the farm has allowed me to understand the interaction and necessity of all the plants in the Food Forest. While I have previous experience in orchard work the Food Forest on the farm tries to incorporate many plants to work in harmony with each other. This allows me to learn about not only the trees in the orchard but any other plants that we want to cultivate in the area.”
“My favorite part about working on the farm is the random moments that come with it. I have had some amazing experiences with wildlife and coworkers that would never happen otherwise. Experiences such as finding new bugs to navigating a barking fox with kits this summer. While I work alone often every now and then I get to eat lunch or do random tasks with my coworkers which is always enjoyable.”
Acey Reyes
Post-Production Graduate Assistant
Bio coming soon!
Analisa Tombrello
Volunteer Coordinator
“Working on The Farm has greatly expanded my knowledge of growing food. I have learned how large scale farming differs from growing a home garden, and how that understanding can be used in both places.”
“Everyone working at The Farm has a passion for the work we do. This brings us together to complete the tasks and find enjoyment even when the work is difficult. It is a place of learning and practical application of the skills we gain. Being connected to the food we eat and bring to the community makes this job special and unique.”
Need to contact us?
Have questions about employment, events, or anything else related to the farm? Contact us at thefarm@sou.edu or 541-552-6487